Tunnis oli kohal kolm koera: Ruudi, Kusti ja üks küülikutaks, kes oli kunagi varem aglityga juba tegelenud ja nüüd pärast aastast pausi alustas uuesti.
Mida tegime.
- Alustasime koera ootama panemisega ja ainult käsu peale liikuma lubamisega.
- Järgnes lauale minek ja seal püsimine. Selgus, et Ruudile ei meeldi lauad - peab harjutama. See on kasulik kindlasti ka näitust silmas pidades.
- Kott-tunnel. Ai, Ruudile see meeldis!!! Nii kui pärastpoole sellest tunnelist möödusime, kasutas Ruudi juhust ja läks sellest läbi, et jumala eest igav ei hakkaks :)
- Rõngas. Algus oli konarlik ja Ruudi püüdis siiski kõrvalt piludest läbi tulla. Pärast mõningaid katseid, hüppas Ruudi läbi rõnga juba chillides.
- A peal kontakti harjutamine. Seda oli Taija Ruudiga juba ka Soomes harjutanud.
- Tunnel. Tunnel + tõke. Kott-tunnel + tõke. Lõbus seik: nende harjutuste jooksul õnnestus Ruudil minu hooletuse tõttu saada korraks enda valdusesse taksi rebasesabast mänguasi.
Tunni lõppedes läbisid Ruudi ja Kusti koos korduvalt tunneleid, ise samal ajal mänguasja rebides. Neil oli fun, fun, fun. Ja see ongi kõige tähtsam.
heh, see lõpp oli tõesti naljakas, kuidas kaks valget suslikut kõrvuti, ühest mängukannist kinni hoides tunnelisse ja tunnelist välja käisid :) järgmisel korral tuleb ikka fotokas kaasa võtta.
VastaKustutaHey, write something in English. =) You have now started agility training?
VastaKustutaThe translater do not translate very well estonian to finnish language.
Well, actually we planned aglity trainings with our puppy school trainer but as this has been too long waiting for it, we are now taking classes from the aglity school near our home in Tallinn.
VastaKustutaWe have had only one lesson yet and just some aglity elements were introduced to us. Although the class was quite late in the evening, the hall was hot as sauna :)
So to sum up the first class:
The first exercise was to put dog waiting and allowing him to come only when asked.
Second exercise was the table where dog has to be for 5 seconds. Ruudi didn't like the table very much. He didn't interested either in the toy or treats when he was on the table. He just wanted to jump down. We have to practice being on the table. This is necessary for the shows as well.
Then came the closed tunnel. Ruudi liked it very much and when he had a change during this training class, he always went through this closed tunnel :)
Third element was a tire jump. At the beginning Ruudi tried to cheat and went through the wrong slot which is right next to the tire. But then he understand what to do went through the tire.
After that we practiced the contact on the A as you did with Ruudi in Hollola.
And at the end of the class we did some tracks that contained tunnel and a jump. Ruudi liked it!
BTW, after our visit to Finland I have been thinking that it would be very nice if Ruudi would have a change to train with his brother :)
Do you have plans to go to the dog show with Into in the near future? (as I read from your blog)
p.s. You are absolutely right that the Google translator don't help us very much. I also hardly understand you posts but I try at least.