teisipäev, detsember 07, 2010


First exercise was almost like the warm up track on previous Thursday's AG class: 6 jumps in U-shape (2-2-2). First attempt was not good. Surprisingly Ruudi missed the last jump. But two following attempts were successful.
In this exercise we practice patience at the start as well.

Second exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. The purpose was to send the dog to the end without going with him but staying at the start. Ruudi did not have problems with that as the toy was in the end of the track. 

Third exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. Now I was running with the dog but not showing the hand signals. The attempt was successful at once if the dog was on my left hand, but having Ruudi on my right hand, he misses the tunnel while he was busy with barking. Oh... Second attempt was successful (just in case I gave a small hand signal before the tunnel).

During the whole class Ruudi was too exited (he was barking in the cage all the time; he barked and jumped on the field; he ran around with a toy and did not come to me when I was calling him etc) and I had to constantly calm him down.

 Finally I did some obedience exercises with him. Good contact.

1 kommentaar:

  1. Jah, tuleb tunnistada, et mul on hea meel, et leidub veel üks koerake, kes on sama hull kui Doora. Aitäh!
