Kuna ma olen olnud laisk ja lohakas nagu Oskar Ohakas ja blogi mittejooksvalt täitnud, siis lihtsalt teen 1 lühipostituse 4 trenni kohta.
21.12 AG I
23.12 AG II
Kui nüüd kristalselt aus olla, siis ma täpselt ei mäletagi enam nende tundide ülesehitusi. Igal juhul oli esindatud slaalom risti astsevate postidega, hüpperajad (otse tõketega ja viltu olevate tõketega (koer jookseb ikka sirgjooneliselt)) ja poom.
28.12 AG I
Olime trennis täiesti üksi. Pidev jooksmine ajas naha seljas täiesti märjaks.
Jooksime tunneleid, sest treener pakkus välja, et võiksime osaleda 2. jaanuaril toimuval TAKO tunnelite mitteametlikul võistlusel. Harjutasime veel ka poomi kontaktpindu ja tegime mitmeid hüpperaja kombinatsioone.
Kuna tänases trennis oli päris palju hüppamist, siis näitas treener meile venitusharjutusi oma koera peal, mida meie püüdsime järgi teha. Kodus proovisime venitusi veidi kauem hoida - Ruudi peab selle tegevusega veel harjuma.
30.12 AG II
Viimases trennis harjutasime veel tunnelirada eelseisvaks võistluseks. Lisaks harjutasime poomi (mõlemalt käelt; maiusega; mänguasjaga; terve poom, pool poomi; erinevad vabastamise ajad) Jäin tulemustega rahule. Lõpetasime trenni seisva kiige peale jooksmisega (Ruudi tegi seda tuima näoga ja kiiresti: ei mingit probleemi).
neljapäev, detsember 30, 2010
pühapäev, detsember 26, 2010
reede, detsember 24, 2010
esmaspäev, detsember 20, 2010
Although it was Ruudi's birthday today, neither of us was not in the best condition. I did many mistakes and Ruudi was quite disconcerted.
It is hard now but we do not give up!
- Heeling in the new way. We had not practice it much at home and we had not decide what should be the new command: juurde, heel, sivulle, kõrval... So we used the old command "kõrval" ("heel"), perhaps we will use it from now on and try to retrain Ruudi. The exercise itself had quite good results. At home Ruudi did not want to go behind me to take the turn but now he did not have problems with that. Henceforward we use only the new way of heeling.
- Turns to the left and to the right. I have to practice it, so that I do not send wrong signals to Ruudi with my body language. At the moment Ruudi stays a bit behind while we have been heeled some distance. I guess that is so because he tries to presage going down while heeling (we just have practice it too much... my mistake again).
- Turn back. I will use the turn to the right. Ruudi tends to go forward instead of turning back but perhaps it was so because today the contact was not so good (I also played a big part to ruin the contact as I did some exercises for too long etc).
- Staying down and recall. Ruudi stayed down somehow but came to me when another dog was called... In general this exercise have been quite good... but today...
- Contact. 2 dogs were sitting and one was walking between them. Quite OK but the sniffing :@ I do not know what is going on. Is it a late teenager period or what but Ruudi prefers sniffing to anything else...
It is hard now but we do not give up!
pühapäev, detsember 19, 2010
neljapäev, detsember 16, 2010
- Track with two jump, tire and tunnel. The purpose was like in previous time to get the dog under control after the tunnel and before the tire. Problem is that after slowing him down he is a bit confused (he barks at me) and has sometimes problems to take the jump after the tire. So we have to practice the "edasi" ("ahead") command.
- Dog-walk. I was continued walking but Ruudi stops at the end of the dog-walk. Good. I am happy. Next steps are:
- to accelerate myself at the end of the dog-walk
- going under the angle from the dog-walk.
General problem: nosing around on the training site.
teisipäev, detsember 14, 2010
- Tire jump, tunnel with angle. We ran it from both ends. Only problems were calming down and sniffing in the start.
- Wave poles. Quite wide and quite high. No problems. Good speed.
- Practicing dog-walk contact areas. Good. Specially if this very distracting situation is taken into consideration while one of Ruudi's training buddy swoop to the other side of the training site and run there with a beeping toy in his mouth. However, I was able to keep contact with Ruudi!
pühapäev, detsember 12, 2010
SK MA võistlus
Ja kohe järgmine päev startisime TAKO korraldatud mitteametlik SK võistlusel, 12.12.2010.
Kohtunikuks Natalja Garaštšenko .
Kugi tegemist oli nö debüütklassiga, mis on SK lihtsustatud variant ja kus võis kasutada maiust, olid mõned elemendid siin raskemad kui eelmine päev olnud võistlusel: lamama ja seisma jäämine liikumise pealt.
SK Debüüt klass on mitteametlik võistlusklass nendele, kes ei ole varem SKs ametlikult võistelnud, see on SK Alg klassi kergendatud variant (harjutused: liigipääsetavus platsist väljaspool, püsilamamine 1 minut, kõrvalkäimine ilma jooksmiseta (1 pööre paremale, 1 pööre vasakule, 1 peatus lõpus), siia-käsk (ilma põhiasendita lõpus, koera võib hoida abiline), seisma ja lamama minekut liikumiselt tehakse 5 sammu distantsidega (käemärk lubatud), üle tõkke saatmine toimub ilma peatuse ja põhiasendisse võtmiseta (käemärk lubatud), üldmulje).
Kõikides klassides on lubatud iga võte lõpus koera premeerimine; Debüüdis
on lisaks sellele lubatud mänguasja või maiust nähtavalt kohal hoidmine.
Platsiga tutvumisel Ruudi nuhkis päris palju, mõtlesin, et nüüd on failure, aga võistlusel oli Ruudi väga tubli. Jällegi jäin temaga rahule!
Nagu ette arvasin, oli Ruudil probleeme liikumise pealt seisma ja lamama jäämisega. Ta küll seisis ja lamas kui ütlesin, aga püüdis ikkagi edasi liikuda või asendit muuta kui ma ise edasi läksin.
Püsilamamine oli suht OK, Ruudi üritas tõusta vaid korra. Kõrval olevad koerad olid "rasked koerad", sest nemad liikusid pidevalt ette koerajuhi poole, mis põhjustas Ruudis parajalt segadust. Tema silmadest võis lugeda: "Kas juba võib vä? Noh, aga nüüd? Kas ma juba võin tulla vä?"
Kõrvalkäimine oli ilma rihmata parem kui rihmaga.
Tõkke ületamist tegime 2 korda, sest ma ei teadnud, et koer peab pärast tõket debüütklassis seisma jääma, sest reeglites (vt ülalt) oli öeldud, et "üle tõkke saatmine toimub ilma peatuse ja põhiasendisse võtmiseta (käemärk lubatud)".
Tulemuseks 184 p. Viieteistkümne koera hulgas seitsmendad.
Kokkuvõtteks, enne võistlusi on koerjuhil ikka närveldamist, sest on kartus ise midagi valesti teha ja koerale vale signaal saata, aga üldiselt oli väga hea kogemus! Tundus, et Ruudile võistlusmomendid küll stressi ei tekitanud :)
Kohtunikuks Natalja Garaštšenko .
Kugi tegemist oli nö debüütklassiga, mis on SK lihtsustatud variant ja kus võis kasutada maiust, olid mõned elemendid siin raskemad kui eelmine päev olnud võistlusel: lamama ja seisma jäämine liikumise pealt.
SK Debüüt klass on mitteametlik võistlusklass nendele, kes ei ole varem SKs ametlikult võistelnud, see on SK Alg klassi kergendatud variant (harjutused: liigipääsetavus platsist väljaspool, püsilamamine 1 minut, kõrvalkäimine ilma jooksmiseta (1 pööre paremale, 1 pööre vasakule, 1 peatus lõpus), siia-käsk (ilma põhiasendita lõpus, koera võib hoida abiline), seisma ja lamama minekut liikumiselt tehakse 5 sammu distantsidega (käemärk lubatud), üle tõkke saatmine toimub ilma peatuse ja põhiasendisse võtmiseta (käemärk lubatud), üldmulje).
Kõikides klassides on lubatud iga võte lõpus koera premeerimine; Debüüdis
on lisaks sellele lubatud mänguasja või maiust nähtavalt kohal hoidmine.
Platsiga tutvumisel Ruudi nuhkis päris palju, mõtlesin, et nüüd on failure, aga võistlusel oli Ruudi väga tubli. Jällegi jäin temaga rahule!
Nagu ette arvasin, oli Ruudil probleeme liikumise pealt seisma ja lamama jäämisega. Ta küll seisis ja lamas kui ütlesin, aga püüdis ikkagi edasi liikuda või asendit muuta kui ma ise edasi läksin.
Püsilamamine oli suht OK, Ruudi üritas tõusta vaid korra. Kõrval olevad koerad olid "rasked koerad", sest nemad liikusid pidevalt ette koerajuhi poole, mis põhjustas Ruudis parajalt segadust. Tema silmadest võis lugeda: "Kas juba võib vä? Noh, aga nüüd? Kas ma juba võin tulla vä?"
Kõrvalkäimine oli ilma rihmata parem kui rihmaga.
Tõkke ületamist tegime 2 korda, sest ma ei teadnud, et koer peab pärast tõket debüütklassis seisma jääma, sest reeglites (vt ülalt) oli öeldud, et "üle tõkke saatmine toimub ilma peatuse ja põhiasendisse võtmiseta (käemärk lubatud)".
Piltide autor Livia Kask
Tulemuseks 184 p. Viieteistkümne koera hulgas seitsmendad.
Kokkuvõtteks, enne võistlusi on koerjuhil ikka närveldamist, sest on kartus ise midagi valesti teha ja koerale vale signaal saata, aga üldiselt oli väga hea kogemus! Tundus, et Ruudile võistlusmomendid küll stressi ei tekitanud :)
laupäev, detsember 11, 2010
A-Koera Jõulukuu KK (ma) võistlus
Otustasime end proovile panna ja osaleda enne aastaseks saamist ka mõnes (sõna)kuulekuse võistlusel.
11. detsembril toimus A-Koeras mitteametlik kuulekuse võistlus. Kohtnikuks oli Tiina Madisson.
Osalesime kutsikaklassis, kus võistlesid kuni aastased koerad.
Võistluste juhend (reeglid)
Tulemus: Võrratu 99,5 p ja klassivõit!
Tulemus detailsemalt:
1.Raporteerimine ja ligipääsetavus (10 p) 10 p
2.Kõnd rihmaga (20 p) 20 p
3.Isuma jäämine (10 p) istub kiirelt, age ei püsi, saab lisakäsu -0,25p 9,75 p
4.Lamama jäämine (15 p) SUPER 15 p
5. Juurdetulek (20 p) ees veidi viltu -0,25p 19,75 p
6. Käsklus "Seisa" (10 p) SUPER 10 p
7. Mäng koeraga (5 p) SUPER 5 p
8. Üldmulje (10 p) koera ja koerajuhi koostöö SUPER 10 p
Tulemused leiab ka A-Koera kodulehelt.
Jäin koeraga rahule, kontakt oli hea.
Ruudi platsi ääres võistluseks valmistumas:
Kõrvalkõnd ja käsklus "siia":
11. detsembril toimus A-Koeras mitteametlik kuulekuse võistlus. Kohtnikuks oli Tiina Madisson.
Osalesime kutsikaklassis, kus võistlesid kuni aastased koerad.
Võistluste juhend (reeglid)
Tulemus: Võrratu 99,5 p ja klassivõit!
Tulemus detailsemalt:
1.Raporteerimine ja ligipääsetavus (10 p) 10 p
2.Kõnd rihmaga (20 p) 20 p
3.Isuma jäämine (10 p) istub kiirelt, age ei püsi, saab lisakäsu -0,25p 9,75 p
4.Lamama jäämine (15 p) SUPER 15 p
5. Juurdetulek (20 p) ees veidi viltu -0,25p 19,75 p
6. Käsklus "Seisa" (10 p) SUPER 10 p
7. Mäng koeraga (5 p) SUPER 5 p
8. Üldmulje (10 p) koera ja koerajuhi koostöö SUPER 10 p
Tulemused leiab ka A-Koera kodulehelt.
Jäin koeraga rahule, kontakt oli hea.
Ruudi platsi ääres võistluseks valmistumas:
neljapäev, detsember 09, 2010
In Thursday's AG class does not have so long waiting pauses between the exercises then in Tuesday's AG class. There is always something to do on Thursday :)
Ruudi barked in the cage during the pauses. How to get rid of this behavior? I got some tips to calm him down: I just hit the cage exactly when he barked. It quite worked!
- Guiding. Two jumps on the left side, two jumps on the right side and a tunnel connecting the sides, so at first the dog takes two jumps from one side then tunnel and finally two jumps from other side. 1) We practiced guiding the dog being only inside the track, so the guiding hand stays the same. 2) We practiced guiding the dog using the blind cross after the tunnel, so you run two jumps being inside of the track, then after the tunnel you change the guiding hand and run outside the track. Good.
- Dog-walk. I have always stopped at the end of the dog-walk to teach contact area to Ruudi. So now I tried to continue moving at the end of the dog-walk. At first Ruudi did not stop as supposed to but quickly he released that he has to stop to get the treat. Of course we have to practice it more. Good.
- Wave poles (crossed). Different modes: tight but higher, wider but lower, something between those two. In the tight case I heard the sound how Ruudi's body was hit against the poles :) Couple of times Ruudi got out of the slalom, but in general he performed well! I am happy!
- Track with jumps and a tunnel. The main purpose was to get the dog slowing down and get him exactly following your hand. To slow down the dog, the cramped hand is used in front of the dog. If the dog came out of the tunnel he had to take the 90 degrees turn to the jump, so after the tunnel you had to slow him down and you had to guide him to take the jump as straight as possible. To practice the hand sign, you stop the dog with the sign and give him a treat if he stops correctly. To run this track I had to memorize all the turns that I had to take. At first I though it is nightmare but after running the track without the dog, it did not seem so frightful anymore :) Although I still cannot understand how it is possible to memorize the whole track i.e. in competitions?! In general, the slowing down needs practicing, although in the class Ruudi released what I expect from him.
Ruudi barked in the cage during the pauses. How to get rid of this behavior? I got some tips to calm him down: I just hit the cage exactly when he barked. It quite worked!
teisipäev, detsember 07, 2010
First exercise was almost like the warm up track on previous Thursday's AG class: 6 jumps in U-shape (2-2-2). First attempt was not good. Surprisingly Ruudi missed the last jump. But two following attempts were successful.
In this exercise we practice patience at the start as well.
Second exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. The purpose was to send the dog to the end without going with him but staying at the start. Ruudi did not have problems with that as the toy was in the end of the track.
Third exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. Now I was running with the dog but not showing the hand signals. The attempt was successful at once if the dog was on my left hand, but having Ruudi on my right hand, he misses the tunnel while he was busy with barking. Oh... Second attempt was successful (just in case I gave a small hand signal before the tunnel).
During the whole class Ruudi was too exited (he was barking in the cage all the time; he barked and jumped on the field; he ran around with a toy and did not come to me when I was calling him etc) and I had to constantly calm him down.
Finally I did some obedience exercises with him. Good contact.
In this exercise we practice patience at the start as well.
Second exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. The purpose was to send the dog to the end without going with him but staying at the start. Ruudi did not have problems with that as the toy was in the end of the track.
Third exercise: 2 jumps and a straight tunnel in one line. Now I was running with the dog but not showing the hand signals. The attempt was successful at once if the dog was on my left hand, but having Ruudi on my right hand, he misses the tunnel while he was busy with barking. Oh... Second attempt was successful (just in case I gave a small hand signal before the tunnel).
During the whole class Ruudi was too exited (he was barking in the cage all the time; he barked and jumped on the field; he ran around with a toy and did not come to me when I was calling him etc) and I had to constantly calm him down.
Finally I did some obedience exercises with him. Good contact.
esmaspäev, detsember 06, 2010
pühapäev, detsember 05, 2010
Andke see siga sealt ülemiselt riiulilt juba ükskord ometi mulle kätte!
If you give him the latex pig from the bookcase then you are gone because Ruudi just living on you back and demands playing with him. That repeats everyday. (Assume Tiina now knows what that really means)
Sunday SK
This week was the week of changes. On Thursday was a new AG class and on Sunday was a new SK class. So now our AG and SK trainer is the same person - Anne Tammiksalu.
As regards all the activities, the main thing to remember is that you cannot stand dully if you do the obedience exercises! This all should be fun for the dog! Make it happen! Play with your dog!
Meanwhile there was a tiny thought to participate in unofficial obedience competition on December 12th, but now I really have doubts...
- First of all we show to the trainer how Ruudi heels. Ruudi comes around me. I do not know why we chose this way, because there is an other way as well - dog comes right away on your side. As there are multiple (possible) negative effects when the dog comes around (let alone that Ruudi could be quite slow when heeling in that way), we decided to learn the new way. How to teach that? At the beginning the dog faces to you and then you step back leading the dog to come and turn around behind you. And then you lead him to come by your side. Another thing to figure out is the new command because the "kõrval" ("heel") was already used. Alternative could be "sivulle" (Finnish word for heeling).
- Secondly we practiced the fixedness as it is necessary in AG and everyone in our training group really needs this training. Although the results were quite good, this needs to be practiced more.
- Thirdly, recall. I have never seen so slow dog! I do not know what happened. Guidelines speeding the dog up when recall: run away, throw the toy and play with your dog.
As regards all the activities, the main thing to remember is that you cannot stand dully if you do the obedience exercises! This all should be fun for the dog! Make it happen! Play with your dog!
Meanwhile there was a tiny thought to participate in unofficial obedience competition on December 12th, but now I really have doubts...
On Thursday we took part in a new AG class where are more advanced dogs. Before the class I was a bit afraid of it because I did not exactly know what will happen there. But it turned out that my hesitation was unnecessary.
In addition, although the clearness was not the purpose of the practice, Ruudi tends to pull the jumps down
- Warm up track. 6 jumps in U-shape (2-2-2) and a tunnel connecting first and last jump. We ran it from the both ends. Ruudi was fast and flew over the jumps. Good.
- Secondly we practiced the waltzing steps (6 jumps were placed as zigzag). I went too close to the jump so Ruudi took too big arcs. I should send him to the jump from afar. But in general, it was good.
- Blind cross (6 jumps were placed as zigzag). This is really effective way to have your dog to take very sharp angles turning back from the jump. Ruudi was quite fine, but again, I have to practice this one so I could pay attention to every detail: to Ruudi (is he on the track), to jumps (not to go too close to the jumps, Ruudi knows what to do anyway), to steps (to turn myself correctly; at the beginning it is confusing as I just have learned the waltzing). And all this become more confusing if you have to run from other side and turn yourself contrariwise :)
In addition, although the clearness was not the purpose of the practice, Ruudi tends to pull the jumps down
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