What we did:
- Slalom with crossed sticks. Ruudi is always exited to pass through the sticks! I use command "kepid" ("sticks"). Sticks are crossed as lower as possible. For Ruudi it is still no problem.
- Dogwalk contacts. Same exercise as last time. On real dogwalk Ruudi did fine! I was happy. For bigger dogs there was a thing constructed like the end of the dogwalk : it was a bit lower and those big female dogs had left their smelly trace there, so it was harder for Ruudi. He was quite disconcerted and just kept his nose down. Hello Ruudi! Nose has to be down when doing the blood track, not here in AG hall.
- Practice a jumping technique. 5-6 hurdles placed straight ahead with certain distances as the dog has to learn the correct jumping technique. Our trainer told if the technique was right you would not even hear the sound of jumping. We did this exercise for the first time. At the beginning Ruudi took last 2 hurtles at once. Then we put the toy into the basket so that it would not be so tempting for him and placed it more near to the last hurtle. That worked. Ruudi took the hurtles one by one. Command "edasi" was used. That means passing through all the obstruction straight ahead.
- Sending dog around obstructions. Circles and "8"s. Today we used two hurtles and sent the dog around them using the commands "tik-tik-tik" and "tak-tak-tak". This exercise went very well.
But I have one problem with Ruudi. It has been so for a while but it just grows bigger. I just cannot satisfy him anymore. Today we went to the AG class and also took a walk with training elements in the park (the weather was very-very bad: windy and rainy) and still... he just comes to me and looks at me with a ball or a toy in his teeth. His eyes are shouting at me: go ahead and play with me, throw the ball so I can bring it to you again or play with me some pulling game! Come on, let's do it NOW! Moreover, he is so persistent while doing that!
If I blog, Ruudi looks very disappointed:

I asked for additional AG class from our AG trainer to have a training twice in a week but unfortunately she does not have anything to offer as regards suitable time and our AG level... :(
ELUNUNNU!!!! Aga MIKS sa ei mängi siis???? Teine nii tahab ju!