reede, oktoober 29, 2010

Friday, beginning of the weekend

This weekend will hopefully be cool for Ruudi. Last weekend we had a hunting day full of swimming in ice cold water and I was afraid that it will decrease he's eagerness because he was slow and shivering a lot....

...but no! The moment I started changing my clothes, he understood that it is the "forest time" and Ruudi started jumping up and down.

From Blogi pildid

We only made a short walk about 1,5 km.

From Blogi pildid

And checked the old fox holes but not a sign of life in there...

From Blogi pildid

This weekend I will try a little harder blood tracking. Making the track only with a wild boar leg - no blood nor dragging bloody fur skin. I don't have the special shoes so I made the improvised stick. I made the track today about five o'clock and I'm a bit in doubt if Ruudi can follow it tomorrow morning or not. Looking forward to see if Ruudi is able to smell something or not....

1 kommentaar:

  1. Oleks tore teiega peagi kohtuda. Poja oli ekraanilt Ruudit vaadates väga elevil:)
