We have participated in one official and two unofficial dog shows.
* First one was National Dog Show in Väimela (Southern Estonia) on 14th of August. Handler was Lauri.We had not done almost anything to train Ruudi to behave in the show, just had got some tips how to act there from the Ruudi's friend (
Kusti) owner. Finally we cut the tip of the Ruudi's tail to the right JRT tail shape :)
Class: Puppy
Judge: Natalja Sedõh, Russia
Panelists in the puppy category: 1
Description (in Estonian, original is in Russian):
Masajas, hea kehaehitusega, täidlane koon on hea, pikk kuiv kael, nõrk käelaba, näitab meeleldi, hambumus on õige.
(in English (sorry possible incorrect definitions in English): low; good body type; rotund muzzle is good; long and dry neck; weak paws; showing himself gladly; correct bite)
Result: Promotion Prize (Special Prize of Estonian Kennel Union), Best Puppy (Best Puppy of Breed)
(click on the photo to see the full album)
* Second show was the unofficial JRT show on 3th of October organized by the Estonian JRT Union (
EJRTÜ). By that time I was decided to go to the show training (5 times within 5 weeks) with Ruudi (trainer is
Kärt Pingas). Mainly because to get experience in that field and of course it is so much fun to do interesting and cool things with Ruudi! Even Ruudi's outwards paws are not obstacle for me and Ruudi. Also we had participated in the show training carried out by Estonian JRT Union (here are
pictrures from that training event on Kusti's homepage).
Class: Junior
Judge: Inga Siil, Estonia
Panelists in the junior category: 5 (2 male, 3 female)
Description (in Estonian):
9-kuune, 29 cm kõrge, õige hambumus ja kõik hambad, liialt tugev pea, suurepärane ilme, kael, ülaliin, saba asetus, väga hea esi- ja taganurgad, suurepärane kere proportsioon, piisavalt tugev luustik, seistes randmed väljapoole, sügav rinnakorv, suurepärane füüsiline vorm, õige karva struktuur, suurepärane värv, suurepärane liikumine, temperament, esitus
(in English: 9 month old; height 29 cm; correct bite, all teeth; too strong head; excellent look, neck, upper line, tail position; very good front and behind angles; excellent body proportions; bone structure is strong enough; wrists are outwards if standing; deep? chest; excellent physical shape; excellent movement, temperament, presentation)
Ranking: SP (suurepärane) excellent
Result: Best Male Junior

(click on the photo to see the full album)
* Also we have participated in charity dog show
BIG Match Sow (on 17th of October) where the purpose was to train myself to present the dog. We were in puppies class (up to 12 month old dogs) and qualified to the second round (final round). Although the judge did not gave any description in this show, the judge was fond of Ruudi's presentation. She told this when she gave a red ribbon to us that indicated getting to the final round.

(click on the photo to see the full album)
Now 2 show training lessons to go. Things that we have to train are looking forward when cantering and accessibility wihout cheering too much.