neljapäev, aprill 08, 2010

Park Schnelli

Finally we had a walk also in the park closest to us. Although right next to the old city, still a nice and green (grey at the monent) place.

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Ducks were quite interesting things, just in case Ruudi gave a few barks at them.

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Big pond with steep coasts are good for training...
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Besides the stadion, this park has also running yard for dogs but it was occupied by very-very big dogs. So we sticked to the stadion.
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4 kommentaari:

  1. Ja et sa, Teele, teaks, siis järgmisel päeval käisime selle mehe pargis, kes tahtis Nõmmelt Toompeale RÕVERI teha ;)

  2. rõver = jõgi + river
    ehk eesti ja inglise keele segu
