kolmapäev, märts 03, 2010

What are you "thinking" about?

At last I became a blogging person, providing more understandable alternative to our international readers. I will be posting mostly in English. For starters I will explain the reason of this title. I fan the following commercial:

...and I hope you forgive me for having as bad English as this guy.

Secondly, my posts will moslty concentrate on talking about Ruudi's hunting and recreational issues. Although Maarja will cover the rest in Estonian, I will try to translate some more important things.

So, let's get started with a small impression that has developed over the time since Ruudi was introduces into our house. I'm happy to say that the most interesting toys are natural: rabbit tail (of the rabbit that I hunted as the first one as a young hunter), roe deer leg and beaver skin. Factory made rubber toys are aversive and I do not blame him - they really smell strong and bad of rubber and chemicals. Even the dried penis of a bull (that can be bought in the shops in Estonia) is not so interesting. Like "suomalaisen" say: "riistainto" will hopefully be good :)

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